Push Notifications Demo

As part of our project, we presented two tech demos with features that we will be using in our final app.  The first feature we presented was push notifications using Firebase.  We followed a step by step tutorial on how to introduce basic push notifications to an application on Android Studio through Firebase.

The first step we took was just simply creating a new project.  For our purposes, we didn't change the code at all to show how easy it is to implement basic push notifications.

When our project was created, we then went to the Tools section and click Firebase.  This will then open a Firebase tab on the left side of the screen.  In that new tab, expand the Cloud Messaging header and click Set-up Firebase Cloud Messaging.  This will ask you to sign in or create a google account to allow you to manage the projects on Firebase in the future.  When you have signed in to an account, click "Connect to Firebase".  This is necessary to create a project for the app in Firebase so you can then manage the app.  You will need to choose the create new Firebase Project option in the popup window.  Then click "Add FCM to your app" and accept the changes.  This adds the Firebase capabilities to the Gradle file.  The final step in Android Studio is running the app on your device or virtual device.

Next, you move to the Firebase website (console.firebase.google.com).  Sign-in and click on the project you created in the previous steps.  Then in the Grow section of the menu, click Cloud Messaging.  This will open the section where you can create the notifications.  You can create notifications that come immediately or at a preset time.

For our project, we will need to add more code to the notifications so that they can open certain windows for each game.  But this provided some basic knowledge of where we can start building the push notifications capabilities.

Our presentation slides can be found at the following link:
Push Notifications Presentation
